Solar Roadways Reinventing How We Build Our Paths That Charge Our Cars

The world struggles to make a place for solar panels on the planet, and it looks like there's not enough space for that. A...

Solvatten: Solar Powered Water Purifier for the Poor

While most new inventions are for wealthy people, with some social status, once in a while there are inventions aimed to help the poor and provide the minimal sanitary conditions through simple and inexpensive methods.To get one liter of boiling water you need one kilo of firewood. People living in areas with no safe water usually spend 3-10% of total income/year on water.

Fresh Water for Seaside Communities this Christmas

Probably one of the most frustrating situations to be in is being marooned on an island in the middle of the ocean without fresh...
Climate Change Leading to Earlier Ice Breakup on Mackenzie River (and the Polar Ice Caps?)

Climate Change, Warmer Spring, More Polar Ice Caps Melting

Previously, climate change scientists had calculated that warmer winters were contributing to fluctuations in the polar ice caps, but a recent discovery may change...

Paper Batteries In Cosmetics

"Enfucell", a Finland-based company, has developed a flexible thin battery named "SoftBattery". This 0.3 - 1.0 millimeter battery (1.5 or 3.0 V) can produce...

Underground Greenhouse Allows Year-Round Gardening for $300

Taking a cue from the Aymara Indians, gardeners are realizing that walipini, an underground greenhouse (or pit greenhouse), allows them to grow year round. Typically,...

Smart Mirai House in Japan – A Sample of Organic Electricity

Home is where the heart is. This is said by people all over the world every day. This the place that families and friends...

Scientists Fantasizing How to Refreeze the Arctic Ice Cap

A scientist from Arizona State University has a bold plan to refreeze the arctic ice cap. Steven Desch is an astrophysicist, and he wants...

Top 5 Most Wanted Portable Solar Power For Your Gadgets

Yes, summer is over, at least for us in the northern hemisphere that is. But waving good-bye to the long warm days, does not...

Floating Solar Powered Pop-Up Restaurants To Transform Singapore’s Waterfront

A team of creative architects has taken the idea of pop-up restaurants to another, much higher and much greener level. They designed the ultimate...