How To Build a Solar Powered Car for Your Kids

Here's a little tricky experiment that you can do on your own at home. It's very simple to do, all you have to have...

How To Make a Low Temperature Differential (LTD) Stirling Engine

LTD stirling engines are interesting. They harvest the temperature difference of the environment versus a cold object, and using this they power some pumps. I...

DIY Stirling Engine Boat Tutorial

There are many ways for building a stirling engine boat. You can either use a frame of square lumbers or fiber-reinforced plastic. However, piling thick...

How to Build a Backyard Biogas Plant

Introduction The success or failure of any biogas plant mainly depends upon the quality of how it is constructed. To construct a good biogas plant,...

Build a Joe Cell Hydrogen Generator from a Silicone Tube! (video)

In the times when gas prices rise and rise, and there's no optimistic future for our pockets, hydrogen and Brown's gas generation look more and...

New Invention: Bacteria Eating CO2 From The Atmosphere

A scientist who mapped his genome and the genetic diversity of the oceans said Thursday he is creating a life form that feeds on...

LED-powered Christmas Tree

Ever thought about how much electricity does your Christmas tree consume? You need not to be scarce, but think on big scale how many...

Solar Electrolysis for Dummies

Electrolysis: Obtaining hydrogen from water: The Basis for a Solar-Hydrogen Economy This project involves a fascinating experiment in electrochemistry that illustrates several important energy related...

How to make electricity using your feet

I found an article about a man that built himself a pedal machine which has an alternator linked that charges a battery. He says...

An Engine Fueled by Hydrogen Obtained from Water

Ex-President Bush has made a challenge to the American people to begin running cars on hydrogen as soon as possible, and has allocated over...