Tesla Motors Store in Washington, DC

Tesla v. Broder: Blame the Weather, and Everyone Else Just for Good Measure

Ever since a now infamous test drive and review by The New York Times reporter John Broder, a small storm has been brewing, both...
Tesla Motors Store in Washington, DC

Tesla Motors’ Financial Report for 2012 Revealed Today

Tesla Motors' Financial Report will be revealed today when the market closes. Investors and other interested parties will get an idea of what it's...
Honda Fit EV, Just $259/mo Starting June 1

Just $259/mo for an Electric Vehicle? Honda Fit EV Price Drops Tomorrow!

Electric vehicles do have their pros and cons, but with steady gas prices and a couple of limitations unique to them, it seems that...

Lola-Drayson: The LeMans Electric Race Car With In-Frame Battery

Wait till you hear this one, because we're pretty sure it's not something you hear every day: a car relying on its own frame...
Could new French electric vehicle incentives translate to more EVs and PHEVs in Paris?

Electric Vehicle Incentives in France – 10,000 Euros

Are electric vehicle incentives the path toward cleaner air? New legislation in France offers up to €10,000 in incentives, could be a step in the right...

I Touched Porsche's First Electric Car Yesterday – The Carriage That Could Have Changed...

Well, I had read about it, seen it in pictures, been impressed moderately and intelectually, but never realized that the thing was real. It actually exists at the Technical Museum in Vienna, Austria, and I've just visited it. Yesterday. And only then I've realized that I was sitting near a car that made history. Built by the man himself...
Would you just look at that Faraday Future electric vehicle's…

Faraday Future Could be Tesla Motors Competitor by 2017

You’ve heard of Tesla Motors, for certain, which has pretty much nailed the electric vehicle race, and some figured that Fisker Automotive “coulda been...

Ford Th!nk – pretty small electric car

Ford Motor Company is taking a major step to jump-start the development of affordable small electric vehicles, and that step is catching the eye...

Tesla’s Autopilot 2.0 Could Have LIDAR Hardware

Yet another sighting of one of Tesla’s productions hints at cool new driving features. Model S was recently spotted with what appears to be LIDAR...

Electric LADA Concept Shown at Moscow Motor Show. See How Much It’ll Cost.

If you live in the U.S., then you probably don't know what the heck Lada is. Well, Lada is a famous Russian car brand...